130 research outputs found

    Apocynum venetum L. and Apocynum pictum Schrenk (Apocynaceae) as multi-functional and multi-service plant species in Central Asia: a review on biology, ecology, and utilization

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    During the second half of the 20th century cotton was strongly promoted along the rivers of Central Asia. The irrigation agriculture resulted in wide spread soil salinization and severe water shortages within the river systems. Most prominent example is the desiccation of the Aral Sea. The natural vegetation along the rivers of Central Asia is adapted to periods of water shortage, is very productive, and contains plant species with valuable utilization opportunities. We reviewed the literature about Apocynum venetumL. and A. pictum Schrenk, two plant species of those riparian ecosystems, which are used as fibre and medicinal plants. A. venetum and A. pictum yield fibres, which can be used as textiles, though the fibres best are blended with cotton and/or chemical fibres. Though, the fibre extraction process needs more research attention. Furthermore, the literature shows that Apocynum leafs are used to produce antihypertonic tea and medicine. Both species grow under the arid climate of Central Asia without irrigation, because they exploit groundwater. Furthermore, both species can withstand higher soil salinization levels than cotton. Both species can be used and provide an income to local people under conditions, which are unfavourable to grow crops under irrigation. Such conditions are unreliable water supply for irrigation systems and/or saline soils

    Вплив потужного промислового навантаження на біологічні показники плітки звичайної (Rutilus rutilus)

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    Age composition, length and weight indices of the roach populations (Rutilus rutilus L.) were analyzed and compared in water bodies with the different commercial fishery loading levels. Presence of fast-growing and slow-growing forms is inherent to cyprinid fish. In Dnieper reservoirs these forms are mixed and it is difficult to separate any one of them. It is assumed that selective elimination of fast-growing forms by commercial fishing may cause accumulation of slow-growing forms in populations. On that ground, water bodies with different levels of commercial fishery pressure have been chosen to test this hypothesis. For instance, Kremenchuk Reservoir was selected as a water body with high level of commercial fishery load because it forms more than a half of roach commercial catching in Ukraine. On the contrary, “Dniprovsko-Orilskiy” Natural Reserve was taken as a water body where human impact is minimum. Subsequently, comparing of the basic biological features of the roach from water bodies with different commercial fishery load illustrated the value of the study. It is found that the roach age range in Kremenchuk Reservoir is much higher than in subordinate waters of the Natural Reserve fund. Namely, the roach population in Kremenchuk Reservoir consisted of seventeen age groups while in “Dniprovsko-Orilskiy” Natural Reserve it comprised ten age groups only. However, size-weight features of species under study across the age groups 6+ –10+ in water bodies with the intensive commercial fishery were statistically lower than in protected waters of the Nature Reserve. Namely, length of these age groups in Kremenchuk Reservoir was equal to 24.6–33.5 cm, compared with 25.0–37.0 cm in the National Reserve. Naturally, that weight was equal to 334–957 and 340–1320 g, respectively. In general, this result does not fit into the traditional concept that the fast-growing roach should inhabit the lacustrine biocenosis of the Dnieper reservoirs. In addition, the absence of commercial fishing in waters of “Dniprovsko-Orilskiy” Natural Reserve leads to increase in number of fast-growing individuals in the population that effectively go out of predators pressure. On the other hand, high direct and indirect anthropogenic pressure cause the elimination of fast-growing individuals of the roach from population in Kremenchuk Reservoir that is proved by the curves of growth and the onset of fish-mass culmination. This study indicates that high anthropogenic pressure at present time has reached a degree which cause accumulation of stunted fish in the roach populations in Dnieper reservoirs. This is a notable effect, at least from the regulatory point of view.Проаналізовано віковий склад, довжину та масу тіла популяцій плітки звичайної (Rutilus rutilus L.) у водоймах із різним рівнем промислового навантаження. Кременчуцьке водосховище, яке формує понад 50% річного промислового вилову R. rutilus в Україні, обрано як водойму з надмірним тиском промислу. Для порівняння взято акваторії природного заповідника «Дніпровсько-Орільський» як приклад водного об’єкта, де тиск промислу мінімізований. Віковий ряд R. rutilus на відкритому плесі водосховищ Дніпра набагато довший, ніж у його придаткових річкових системах. Розмірно-вагові показники вікових груп R. rutilus 6+ – 10+ у водоймі з інтенсивним антропогенним навантаженням статистично достовірно нижчі, ніж в особин на природоохоронних акваторіях. Це можна пояснити наслідком селективної дії традиційного промислу ставними сітками, якими вилучаються особини з більшими темпами росту. На спрямовану елімінацію швидкоростучих особин вказали криві приростів і час настання кульмінації приросту іхтіомаси. Таким чином, потужне промислове навантаження на популяції R. rutilus і активне їх вилучення ставними сітками спричиняє накопичення тугорослих особин. Проаналізовано віковий склад, довжину та масу тіла популяцій плітки звичайної (Rutilus rutilus L.) у водоймах із різним рівнем промислового навантаження. Кременчуцьке водосховище, яке формує понад 50% річного промислового вилову R. rutilus в Україні, обрано як водойму з надмірним тиском промислу. Для порівняння взято акваторії природного заповідника «Дніпровсько-Орільський» як приклад водного об’єкта, де тиск промислу мінімізований. Віковий ряд R. rutilus на відкритому плесі водосховищ Дніпра набагато довший, ніж у його придаткових річкових системах. Розмірно-вагові показники вікових груп R. rutilus 6+ – 10+ у водоймі з інтенсивним антропогенним навантаженням статистично достовірно нижчі, ніж в особин на природоохоронних акваторіях. Це можна пояснити наслідком селективної дії традиційного промислу ставними сітками, якими вилучаються особини з більшими темпами росту. На спрямовану елімінацію швидкоростучих особин вказали криві приростів і час настання кульмінації приросту іхтіомаси. Таким чином, потужне промислове навантаження на популяції R. rutilus і активне їх вилучення ставними сітками спричиняє накопичення тугорослих особин.

    Видовий склад іхтіофауни верхньої ділянки Канівського водосховища та пригирлової акваторії р. Десна

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    It was studied the fish species of the upper part of Kaniv reservoir (Kyiv water area) and the mouth area of the Desna River. The found and preceding data of ichthyological research were compared. The changes in the fish population were analyzed. Two new invasive alien fish species were discovered in the Kaniv reservoir and Desna River: Amur sleeper (Perccotus glenii) and Stone moroco (Pseudorasdora parva). Generally the ichthyofauna composition of these water bodies was supplemented with seven unmarketable and dirt species. Исследован видовой состав ихтиофауны верхнего, «речного» участка (киевской акватории) Каневского водохранилища и устьевой акватории р. Десна. Результаты сравнивали с материалами предыдущих ихтиологических исследований. Проанализированы изменения населения рыб, выявлены два новых инвазивных чужеродных вида в составе ихтиофауны Каневского водохранилища и р. Десна – ротан-головешка (Perccotus glenii) и чебачок амурский (Pseudorasdora parva). Видовой состав рыб этих водоемов пополнился 7 непромысловыми и сорными видами.Досліджено видовий склад іхтіофауни верхньої, «річкової» частини (київської ділянки) Канівського водосховища та пригирлової ділянки р. Десна. Результати порівняно з матеріалами попередніх досліджень. Проаналізовано зміни населення риб, виявлено два нові інвазивні чужорідні види Канівського водосховища та р. Десна -– ротан-головешка (Perccotus glenii) та чебачок амурський (Pseudorasdora parva). Видовий склад риб цих водойм поповнився 7 непромисловими та смітними видами.

    Interleukins 4 and 6 as factors of modulation of subpopulation composition of blood monocytes in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy

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    Aim. To evaluate the ratio of the fractions of classical, intermediate, non-classical and transitional monocytes in correlation with the concentration of interleukins 4 and 6 in the blood of patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. Methods. 18 patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy (17 men and 1 woman) aged 47-66 years with circulatory insufficiency of functional class II-III according to the classification of heart failure of the New York Heart Association, were examined. The control group included 14 healthy donors matched by gender and age to patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy without any diseases of cardiovascular system and other systems in an exacerbation stage. In blood of the patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy, the relative content of classical (CD14++CD16-), intermediate (CD14++CD16+), non-classical (CD14+CD16+) and transitional (CD14+CD16-) monocytes was assessed by flow cytometry and the concentration of interleukins 4 and 6 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results. It was shown that the number of non-classical monocytes in the blood of patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy was 2 times lower than normal (5.05 % [4.08; 6.58] and 10.07 % [9.34; 13.84], respectively, p < 0.01), as well as the concentration of interleukin-4 (0.02 pg/ml [0; 0.04] and 0.15 pg/ml [0.05; 0.65], respectively, p < 0.05). The number of classical monocytes in the blood of patients had a tendency to decrease, and the proportion of intermediate monocytes and the concentration of interleukin-6, on the contrary, were slightly higher than in healthy individuals, and were interdependent (r = 0.61; p < 0.05). The relative content of transitional monocytes in the blood was comparable with that of healthy donors. Conclusions. The subpopulation composition of blood monocytes in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy is characterized by a deficiency of the fraction of non-classical monocytes with protective properties against endothelium, and interleukin-4 in the blood with a certain increase in the content of interleukin-6 and the number of intermediate cells with ability to cooperate with T-lymphocytes, which predisposes to diffuse atheromatosis of small coronary arteries and diffuse hypoxic myocardial damage in ischemic cardiomyopathy

    Genotype tunes pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma tissue tension to induce matricellular fibrosis and tumor progression

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    Fibrosis compromises pancreatic ductal carcinoma (PDAC) treatment and contributes to patient mortality yet anti-stromal therapies are controversial. We found that human PDACs with impaired epithelial transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) signaling have elevated epithelial Stat3 activity and develop a stiffer, matricellular-enriched fibrosis associated with high epithelial tension and shorter patient survival. In several Kras-driven mouse models, both the loss of TGF-β signaling and elevated β1-integrin mechanosignaling engaged a positive feedback loop whereby Stat3 signaling promotes tumor progression by increasing matricellular fibrosis and tissue tension. In contrast, epithelial Stat3 ablation attenuated tumor progression by reducing the stromal stiffening and epithelial contractility induced by loss of TGF-β signaling. In PDAC patient biopsies, higher matricellular protein and activated Stat3 associated with SMAD4 mutation and shorter survival. The findings implicate epithelial tension and matricellular fibrosis in the aggressiveness of SMAD4 mutant pancreatic tumors, and highlight Stat3 and mechanics as key drivers of this phenotype

    Cognitive Control and Individual Differences in Economic Ultimatum Decision-Making

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    Much publicity has been given to the fact that people's economic decisions often deviate from the rational predictions of standard economic models. In the classic ultimatum game, for example, most people turn down financial gains by rejecting unequal monetary splits. The present study points to neglected individual differences in this debate. After participants played the ultimatum game we tested for individual differences in cognitive control capacity of the most and least economic responders. The key finding was that people who were higher in cognitive control, as measured by behavioral (Go/No-Go performance) and neural (No-Go N2 amplitude) markers, did tend to behave more in line with the standard models and showed increased acceptance of unequal splits. Hence, the cognitively highest scoring decision-makers were more likely to maximize their monetary payoffs and adhere to the standard economic predictions. Findings question popular claims with respect to the rejection of standard economic models and the irrationality of human economic decision-making

    Субпопуляционный состав моноцитов крови и костного мозга у больных с хронической сердечной недостаточностью

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    The aim of the investigation was to evaluate the ratio of classical (CD14++CD16-), intermediate (CD14++CD16+), nonclassical (CD14+CD16+) and transient (CD14+CD16–) monocytes in the blood and bone marrow in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) against ischemic cardiomyopathy (ICMP).Materials and methods. 17 patients with ICMP and 14 practically healthy donors were observed. The material of the study was venous blood (in patients and healthy donors) and red bone marrow (in patients). In the materials the relative content of different monocytes subpopulations was determined by flow cytometry. The obtained results were analyzed by statistical methods.Results. It is shown that in the blood of patients the proportion of monocytes with the phenotype CD14++CD16- is 57.77 [of 46.35; 79.76]%, CD14++CD16+ – 25.06 [4.96; 42.31]%, CD14+CD16+ 5.05 [4.08; 6.58]% and CD14+CD16- – 6.03 [3.58; 10.89]%; in the bone marrow – 43.44 [40.54; 44.68]%, 0.16 [0; 1.07]%, 0,54 [0.35; 1.07]% and 54,32 [52.83; 56.08]%, respectively, which is different from the content of the data cells subpopulations in the blood (p &lt; 0.05). At the same time, the content of non-classical monocytes in the patients’ blood is 2 times lower than in healthy donors, and the number of other cells varies within the norm.Conclusion. The differentiation of monocytes into 4 subpopulations in patients with CHF occurs directly in the bloodstream, since mainly the classical and transitional monocyte fractions with the prevalence of the latter are present in the bone marrow. Deficiency of non-classical monocytes of blood in CHF is probably associated with a disruption of their extramedullary differentiation.Цель работы – оценить соотношение классических (CD14++CD16-), промежуточных (CD14++CD16+), неклассических (CD14+CD16+) и переходных (CD14+CD16-) моноцитов в крови и костном мозге у больных с хронической сердечной недостаточностью (ХСН) на фоне ишемической кардиомиопатии (ИКМП).Материалы и методы. Обследованы 17 больных ИКМП и 14 практически здоровых доноров. Материалом для исследования служили венозная кровь (у больных и здоровых доноров) и красный костный мозг (у больных). В материале определяли относительное содержание различных субпопуляций моноцитов методом проточной цитометрии. Полученные результаты анализировали статистическими методами.Результаты. Показано, что в крови у больных доля моноцитов с фенотипом CD14++CD16- составляет 57,77 [46,35; 79,76]%; CD14++CD16+ – 25,06 [4,96; 42,31]%; CD14+CD16+ – 5,05 [4,08; 6,58]% и CD14+CD16- – 6,03 [3,58; 10,89]%; в костном мозге – 43,44 [40,54; 44,68]%; 0,16 [0; 1,07]%; 0,54 [0,35; 1,07]% и 54,32 [52,83; 56,08]% соответственно, что отличается от содержания клеток данных субпопуляций в крови (р &lt; 0,05). При этом содержание неклассических моноцитов в их крови в два раза ниже, чем у здоровых доноров, а численность остальных клеток варьирует в пределах нормы.Заключение. У больных ХСН распределение моноцитов на четыре субпопуляции происходит непосредственно в кровотоке, так как в костном мозге обнаруживаются в основном классическая и переходная фракции моноцитов с преобладанием клеток CD14+CD16+. Дефицит неклассических моноцитов в крови при ХСН, вероятно, связан с нарушением их экстрамедуллярной дифференцировки

    AMP Affects Intracellular Ca2+ Signaling, Migration, Cytokine Secretion and T Cell Priming Capacity of Dendritic Cells

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    The nucleotide adenosine-5′-monophosphate (AMP) can be released by various cell types and has been shown to elicit different cellular responses. In the extracellular space AMP is dephosphorylated to the nucleoside adenosine which can then bind to adenosine receptors. However, it has been shown that AMP can also activate A1 and A2a receptors directly. Here we show that AMP is a potent modulator of mouse and human dendritic cell (DC) function. AMP increased intracellular Ca2+ concentration in a time and dose dependent manner. Furthermore, AMP stimulated actin-polymerization in human DCs and induced migration of immature human and bone marrow derived mouse DCs, both via direct activation of A1 receptors. AMP strongly inhibited secretion of TNF-α and IL-12p70, while it enhanced production of IL-10 both via activation of A2a receptors. Consequently, DCs matured in the presence of AMP and co-cultivated with naive CD4+CD45RA+ T cells inhibited IFN-γ production whereas secretion of IL-5 and IL-13 was up-regulated. An enhancement of Th2-driven immune response could also be observed when OVA-pulsed murine DCs were pretreated with AMP prior to co-culture with OVA-transgenic naïve OTII T cells. An effect due to the enzymatic degradation of AMP to adenosine could be ruled out, as AMP still elicited migration and changes in cytokine secretion in bone-marrow derived DCs generated from CD73-deficient animals and in human DCs pretreated with the ecto-nucleotidase inhibitor 5′-(alpha,beta-methylene) diphosphate (APCP). Finally, the influence of contaminating adenosine could be excluded, as AMP admixed with adenosine desaminase (ADA) was still able to influence DC function. In summary our data show that AMP when present during maturation is a potent regulator of dendritic cell function and point out the role for AMP in the pathogenesis of inflammatory disorders

    Особенности иммунорегуляции у больных туберкулезом легких с эозинофилией крови

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    The aim of the investigation was to determine the characteristics of the immune response regulation for pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) and to analyze the role of regulatory T cells in the immunopathogenesis of TB with eosinophilia in the blood, depending on the clinical form of the disease and sensitivity of Micobacterium tuberculosis to anti-TB drugs.Materials and methods. 157 patients who were initially diagnosed with infiltrative and disseminated TB were examined. The material of the study was venous blood and culture of mononuclear leukocytes isolated from venous blood. The content of interleukin (IL) 4, IL-10 and transforming factor beta (TGFβ) in culture suspensions of mononuclear leukocytes in vitro and IL-5 in the blood was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test. The expression of surface molecules CD4, CD20, CD25 and intracellular transcription factor Foxp3 by lymphocytes of the blood was evaluated by flow cytometry. The obtained results were analyzed by statistical methods.Results. It is shown that excessive generation of regulatory T cells in patients with TB is associated with eosinophilia of the blood and imbalance of immune response regulation mechanisms. In TB with eosinophilia, an increase in the number of Foxp3-positive regulatory T cells in the blood is combined with in vitro hypersecretion of anti-inflammatory cytokines TGFβ, IL-10, IL-4 and an increase in the content of CD20+ B lymphocytes and IL-5 in the blood. These changes are most pronounced in the disseminated form of TB in combination with drug resistance.Conclusion. Characteristics of immunoregulation at TB with blood eosinophilia are associated with activation of immunosuppression mechanisms and polarization of immune response towards Th2-dependent pathway.Цель исследования – установить особенности регуляции иммунного ответа при туберкулезе легких (ТБ) и проанализировать роль регуляторных Т-клеток в иммунопатогенезе ТБ с эозинофилией крови в зависимости от клинической формы заболевания и чувствительности Micobacterium tuberculosis к противотуберкулезным лекарственным средствам.Материалы и методы. Обследовано 157 больных с впервые выявленным инфильтративным и диссеминированным ТБ. Материалом исследования служили венозная кровь и культура мононуклеарных лейкоцитов, выделенных из венозной крови. Методом иммуноферментного анализа определяли содержание интерлейкина (IL) 4, IL-10 и трансформирующего фактора бета (TGFβ) в супернатантах культуральных суспензий мононуклеарных лейкоцитов in vitro и IL-5 в крови. Оценку экспрессии поверхностных молекул CD4, CD20, CD25 и внутриклеточного транскрипционного фактора Foxp3 в лимфоцитах крови проводили методом проточной цитометрии. Полученные результаты анализировали статистическими методами.Результаты. Показано, что у больных ТБ избыточная генерация регуляторных Т-клеток ассоциирована с эозинофилией крови и дисбалансом механизмов регуляции иммунного ответа. При ТБ с эозинофилией увеличение численности Foxp3-позитивных регуляторных Т-клеток в крови сочетается с гиперсекрецией in vitro противовоспалительных цитокинов TGFβ, IL-10, IL-4 и повышением содержания CD20+ В-лимфоцитов и IL-5 в крови. Указанные изменения являются наиболее выраженными при диссеминированной форме ТБ в сочетании с лекарственной устойчивостью возбудителя.Заключение. Особенности иммунорегуляции при ТБ с эозинофилией крови связаны с активацией механизмов иммуносупрессии и поляризацией иммунного ответа в направлении Th2-зависимого пути

    Галектин-1-опосредованная экспрессия белков-регуляторов клеточного цикла и ростовых факторов при раке желудка

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    The purpose of the study was to analyze the expression of proteins-regulators of the cell cycle (p53 and p21) and receptors for endothelial (VEGFR) and epidermal (EGFR) growth factors depending on the expression of galectin-1 in tumor cells in gastric cancer.Materials and methods. 52 patients with diagnosis of gastric cancer were examined. We used the tissue samples of malignant neoplasms of the stomach, which were obtained during surgical intervention. In tumor tissue the expression of galectin-1, p53 and p21 proteins, and receptors of VEGF and EGF were evaluated by immunohistochemistry. The obtained results were analyzed by statistical methods.Results. It is shown that in patients with gastric cancer accompanied by overexpression of galectin-1, high expression of mutant protein p53 and EGFR in tumor tissue was recorded significantly more frequently. Low expression of VEGFR was observed in all patients with gastric cancer regardless of the level of expression of galectin-1 by tumor cells. Association of galectin-1 expression with expression of protein p53 and EGF receptor by stomach tumor cells was set.Conclusion. The relationship between overexpression of galectin-1 and overexpression of mutant p53 protein (not showing antioncogenic properties) and receptor for epidermal growth factor (EGFR) by stomach tumor cells is a negative prognostic criterion of the neoplastic process in gastric cancer. Цель исследования – проанализировать экспрессию белков-регуляторов клеточного цикла (р53 и р21) и рецепторов к эндотелиальному и эпидермальному факторам роста (VEGFR и EGFR) в зависимости от экспрессии галектина-1 в опухолевых клетках при раке желудка.Материал и методы. Обследованы 52 пациента с диагнозом рака желудка. Материалом исследования служили образцы тканей злокачественных новообразований желудка, полученные при оперативном вмешательстве. Методом иммуногистохимии в опухолевой ткани оценивали экспрессию галектина-1, белков р53 и р21, рецепторов VEGF и EGF. Полученные результаты анализировались статистическими методами.Результаты. Показано, что у больных раком желудка, сопровождающимся гиперэкспрессией галектина-1, достоверно чаще регистрируется высокая экспрессия мутантного белка р53 и EGFR в опухолевой ткани. У всех пациентов с раком желудка независимо от уровня экспрессии галектина-1 опухолевыми клетками зарегистрирована низкая экспрессия VEGFR. Установлена ассоциация экспрессии галектина-1 опухолевыми клетками с экспрессией в них белка р53 и рецептора EGF.Заключение. Взаимосвязь гиперэкспрессии галектина-1 с высоким уровнем экспрессии мутантного белка р53 (не проявляющим антионкогенных свойств) и рецептора к эпидермальному фактору роста EGFR опухолевыми клетками желудка, является негативным прогностическим критерием опухолевого процесса при раке желудка.